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Staying Agile in Changing Times


By incorporating agile methods and processes into your business structure, companies can create environments that stay focused on the current need within the industry and allow for quick pivots to respond to new demands. During this global health crisis, that has proven to be true now more than ever. 

On March 16, 2020, we began conducting classes online and performing business operations remotely including holding virtual interviews for admissions. Our instructors have been able to adapt to the current situation and keep both Java and Data Engineering classes on track through Zoom and a platform developed in-house.

Our 14th Java cohort kicked off in March, with 29 students beginning their 12-week training at the Tech Ladder HQ. However, after national and state recommendations regarding in-person events and social distancing requirements, we made some quick changes making this cohort the first to have part of the class taught virtually. At the same time, we welcomed in 9 fresh faces to start our first Data Engineering & Analytics cohort. Both cohorts are scheduled to wrap up in the April-May timeframe.

We’re grateful to have supportive employer partners and alumni who still offer their time to mentor, tutor and give tech talks with the students, even though it has to be virtually. While we’re uncertain of what the job landscape will be post-COVID-19, we’re optimistic and still moving forward with virtual mock interviews and professional development online workshops.

Agile methodology is usually taught during week 4 in the program through an interactive learning. While they’ve learned the foundation of what it means to be quick thinking and adaptive, the students have had to put many of the agile practices in play already when executing group assignments and developing their passion projects. Our “new normal” has shown students that change is a big part of any work environment.  

Follow their progress and stay connected while we practice social distancing – join us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @techladder.